Boost cloud migration with Network Intelligence Center
Google recently announced its Network Intelligence Center. It’s Google Cloud’s comprehensive network monitoring, verification and optimisation platform across the cloud and on-prem data centres along with an initial set of modules.
Organisations are increasingly adopting multi-cloud implementations and hybrid deployments as a part of their cloud strategy to deliver the best experiences for their customers around the globe. Networks are at the foundation of this digital transformation and becoming increasingly complex due to the growing diversity in the customer environment. This puts pressure on network operations teams. Unfortunately, today’s fragmented networking tools don’t make their lives any easier, leading to a lack of visibility, long troubleshooting times to resolve connectivity and performance issues, configuration errors being discovered too late in production and no centralised way to holistically understand and remedy network health.
Adoption of hybrid and multi-cloud is absolutely critical for organisations to remain agile. However, this underscores the need for intelligent and continuous network operations. For example, if you have global operations, you may want to ensure that users in a specific geographical region are being served out of the nearest data centre at all times.
To realise this vision, you need proactive network operations that can predict and heal network failures, driven by AI/ML recommendations and remediation. These systems also need to maintain an equilibrium between automation and control, to support customers who are at different points in their journey from reactive towards proactive network operations.
In the first phase of fulfilling this vision for intelligent network operations, Network Intelligence Center offers four modules: Connectivity Tests and Network Topology, both in beta; Performance Dashboard and Firewall Metrics & Insights in alpha.
Network Topology
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is the first cloud provider to provide comprehensive visibility into your global GCP deployment and its interaction with the public internet, including an organisation-wide view of the topology and associated network performance metrics with Network Topology.
Visibility is especially important in the cloud to gain trust and confidence since customers do not own the infrastructure. Visualising cloud topologies is also complicated by the fact that a cloud network is really a mesh, making it hard to understand and navigate the differences between on-premises and cloud environments. Network Topology lets you visualise and navigate your network with structure and insights, simplifying network monitoring and troubleshooting and helping you fulfil your compliance requirements.
Further, Network Topology provides useful performance metrics for various nodes and edges, enabling metrics-driven troubleshooting, policy checks, and architecture and capacity optimisation. For instance, you can easily visualise how your users are being served worldwide and if they are being served optimally out of their nearest geographical regions. You can quickly search through complex networks and drill down into exactly what matters to you, shrinking troubleshooting time. In the event of a network issue, you can go back in time up to six weeks to track the evolution of the network’s topology, to diagnose issues quickly.
Connectivity Tests
GCP is the first cloud provider to provide a solution based on formal verification techniques that empowers you to diagnose connectivity issues, and proactively verify the impact of configuration changes to prevent outages.
Seventy-five percent of network outages and performance issues result from misconfiguration. More often than not, these misconfigurations are discovered in production. Not knowing the impact of making a configuration change in firewall rules or routing rules makes network monitoring reactive rather than proactive, introducing risk and extending mean time to resolution.
Network Intelligence Center helps to quickly diagnose connectivity issues and prevent outages by allowing teams to perform on-demand tests with the Connectivity Test module. Connectivity Test enables you to self-diagnose connectivity issues within GCP or GCP to an external IP address which could be on-prem or another cloud, helping to isolate whether the issue is in GCP or not. You can create, save and run tests to help verify the impact of configuration changes and ensure that network intent captured by these tests is not violated, proactively preventing network outages. These tests also help assure network security and compliance. Connectivity Test has been used internally by Google Cloud’s support team to resolve customer issues.
In addition to monitoring, verification, and optimisation of the network between on-premises and cloud, Network Intelligence Center can also help accelerate your migration to the cloud. With a holistic view into network architecture, health and performance before and after migration, it allows you to plan your cloud migrations efficiently and optimise your architecture. It also helps to identify and debug network issues between on-prem and cloud and can help you easily track topology changes during migration, as well as view actual traffic flows and performance metrics before and during the migration.
Performance Dashboard and Firewall Metrics & Insights
Performance Dashboard provides real-time network performance visibility into packet loss and latency at a per-project level, a compelling capability for network health monitoring at a project level that reflects a user’s network experience, not offered by any other cloud provider today. These metrics provide insights into your network performance, showing VM-to-VM packet loss and latency data aggregated across zones. In the case of an application performance issue, Performance Dashboard helps the network team quickly determine whether the issue is with the network or with the application.
Firewall Metrics & Insights provides visibility into firewall rules usage, helping you optimise firewall rules by revealing insights into shadowed firewall rules. You can access this capability today from the firewall rules page in alpha, and it will be integrated into Network Intelligence Center when it reaches beta.
As you build more and more applications on a Google Cloud foundation, you need a network operations solution that lets you easily visualise complex, cloud-based topologies, helps you proactively identify and troubleshoot problems and assists you in making good decisions when running at global scale.
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